Clinic idea for your consideration...
Jerry Boudreaux
Here are some pictures that were taken on my 12' X 10' bedroom size layout. I enhanced the pictures on my computer but the basic layout exists in a bedroom. It's goes twice around the room but operates as point to point. It has some unique features such as a common engine terminal, sneak around track for continuous running, bridge section across a door, and visible double deck.
You can see additional shots of it at:
I thought these might be of interest to people coming to the Symposium.If there is enough interest I could do a clinic on how this was designed, built and operated. Many of the design and construction parameters are applicable to any small layout. My presentation would be designed to get folks to get trains running in a bedroom -- you don't need 20 x 20 to have lots of operation. The presentation would be interactive -- get folks out of their chairs -- with a full size 12' x 10' picture of the layout placed on the floor with folks standing around it while I pointed out construction and operation sequences from the center. I can also bring a CD for power point presentation as well. My job entails presentations to groups and, in fact, that's why I'm so late in contacting you because I was booked on that weekend. I was able to get rescheduled so now I can come to Phoenix. What do you think? What does everone think?
Jerry Boudreaux Lakeport, CA
If you would have an interest in seeing this clinic please let Jerry Boudreaux or Jan Rons know about it.
Webmaster: Pat Turner
Last update: Jan. 3rd